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About Me

Bonjour! My name is L.A. Childress. My Husband, Austin, and I have recently just moved from Kansas City, Mo to Tempe, Az and while I have been enjoying soaking up the sun, I have been enjoying even more the ability to work on my second novel, Victorious!  I've decided to dive deeper! With Love Connection being my first co-written novel, we have had success in sharing a love story about adoption and redemption. 


With all these things, come many blessings and challenges. I strive to keep active in pursuing my goals, to push harder, to be better, to always seek God in every aspect of my life, and to pray that he blesses the work of my hands. So on top of writing and blogging, I started painting and indulging in photography. For me, there are no excuses, but there is time--time to live with purpose and give this life all that we have!

Between The Lines - An Encouraging Daily Blog

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Isn't it funny

how God can use the seemingly

"small details" of life to get

your attention back? 


Yesterday, in the late afternoon, I was desperate for a coffee. I just could not.wake.up!!!  It's been three days since I had a coffee as I've been trying to shake the 'Addiction'.  But I just needed it. I needed it bad. 


So, I asked austin to take me to starbucks (where he currently works) and to get me an iced coffee with caramel in it! Yummy!  I mean, if I was going to break my no coffee fast, I needed it to be well worth it.


We go through the drive through and the lady hands us our order.  But... It wasn't right. I've never in my life had an iced coffee that tasted the way this coffee did.


Not only was it the wrong coffee, but it was the wrong size. So, austin asked the lady if she wouldn't mind making it the right size, thinking she would realize her mistake in making the wrong drink as well. Instead, she politely handed us two of the same drink. One large, one small. And said to keep them both. 


Austin drove away and we parked.  As much as I wanted to just be thankful for these coffees (1 free), my heart was anything but. I was CRAVING a good starbucks coffee! They usually never fail me. 


I looked at austin and said, "can you please just go in there and tell her that this is the wrong drink?" 


He looked back at me, agreed with me that they were terrible, but disagreed that he should go ask for another one. 


While I understand why he didn't want to, I felt that the girl should know that the drink she made wasn't correct and that we appreciated the ones she gave us. Heck, even throw in a five $ tip!


Austin refused to go in and said "let's just drink these." Soooo we drove off and unfortunately had to dump the coffees (trust me, they were terrible) And I eventually got my coffee fix from mcd's, of all places. :/ 


While this seems ridiculous, so many of us will make an order at restaurants, diners, and coffee shops, and if it's wrong, we just say thank you and suck it up. 


While this may seem humble, it's truly not.


No one wins in this situation. Sure, if it's something as easy as 'scraping the ketchup or onions' off a burger, great! No biggie, but if it's entirely wrong? 


Now, don't get me WRONG, it's not about being PETTY. In fact, it's completely opposite. 


I believe that if we can't

be courageous enough

to ask for the small things

that we don't think we deserve,

we won't courageously come

to Gods throne and ask for the big stuff.


See, It was never about the wrong drink, it's about being courageous enough to ask for the right one without losing the greatfulness behind the wrong one.


Always be thankful... and full of gratitude for what he has already given us, while asking fearlessly for what your heart desires.


If we can do it in the small things, we can do it in the big things. It takes bravery. And it takes remembering that:


It has nothing to do with what

we deserve but everything

to do with what we are worth.


And God thinks we are worth it. 

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